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Customs Davao sets New Collection Record in a Day

December 19, 2020

Beating its Php 817,736,040.92 September 10, 2020 top revenue collection performance in a day, the Bureau of Customs (BOC), Port of Davao continues its revenue collection success when it posted its record-breaking collection ever for the year of Php. 876,216,385.94 on December 17, 2020.

The BOC Port of Davao’s astonishing collection performance in a single day will be an immense help to the government’s health, education and infrastructure programs among others, especially those that are deemed essential during this challenging time.

With more policy and organization reforms already in the pipeline for implementation in 2021 that are aligned with Customs Commissioner Rey Leonardo Guerrero and Finance Secretary Carlos Dominguez III’s 10-point agenda to further rationalize, professionalize and improve Customs service, the BOC Port of Davao sees an even better collection year in 2021.


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